Persistant itch of right nipple, that has been present for a couple of months? No other symptom, just itch? No redness, crust, discharge, swelling. Have been on HRT patches, 75mg, recently incr/ 100mg, (estrogen) only due to excessive hot sweats, that i had never experienced, for months, didn t consider menopause, due to on HRT, my age. Have been on est only, for, maybe, 30yrs, due to inexplicable, erratic, mood swings, that i, & Doctors thought, hormonal?? In 2007, i was diagnosed with, rapid Cycling Bipolar!! So many years of disruption, to my life, huge financial loss, in Hypermanic states, depression, was diagnosed, in 1998!! The ups , i believed, were me, not depressd. But, so many years, on HRT??? Have not had a mammogram, or ultra sound, for maybe 13yrs ,as i have breast implants, since 1982, have been told, by Doctors, less risk of breast cancer?? A mammogram, in 1994, ruptured implant!! Did, continue checks, annually, but ultrasound. Last, 2001, then moved from Syd to Gold Coast, no checks?/ I think maybe, with what Bipolar has done, breast cancer, stupid i know, but, don t want to know. Far from an intelligent attitude, & writing this, maybe, since looking up causes, none, with added symptoms, make sense, relate, maybe, a little concerning?? Sensible option, have an ultra sound?? But, maybe no need?? Simple answer, just an itchy nipple?? I don t have a GP at the moment. So, could it be something to be concerned about, or nothing?? Annie