I was discharged from a methadone clinic at a very rapid decrease , my drug test came out positive for barbiturate which I have no Idea what they are and once for cocaine which I never done, my Dr, prescribed me a low dose of 0.25 traizolam for sleep it has low benzo in it, I keep a paper of my count of meds inside the bottle, my drug test came out with large amount of benzo . I have taken otc Benadryl and naproxen, ibuprofen for years for sinus allergies and migraines... My daughter lived with me at the time her rx for seizures Lamictol I think . I found out,she was trading her suboxone for a new drug molly and blast, that I had never even heard of til, yesterday. Thank You for you help and any advice, I have paper work to marchmen act her but I don t know where she is now. OH BY THE WAY I MAKE 750 DOLLARS A MONTH DISABILITY SORRY FOR WASTING YOURS AND MY TIME.