Thanks for your query.
Noted your history of pressure in the sinus cavity under the eye but no pain. GP dis X-ray which showed packed
sinuses but not cured by
steroids or antibiotics. You are going to consult an allergist.
As per the history you have provided, this looks to be
allergic sinusitis having polypi packed in the sinus causing the pressure symptoms. Since there is no pus or no extra pressure there will not be any pain.
I would advise you in such a case:
Get a consultation of an ENT Surgeon for proper clinical evaluation and examination.
CT scan is a must of the sinuses and nose to see the extent of polyposis.
Oral steroids in tapering dosages, antihistamines, nasal steroid spray for 3 weeks may dissolve the polypi if of pure allergic origin.
If the review CT scan after 3 weeks of treatment remains same, surgery of FESS will definitely help to cure your problem.
At the same time it is imperative to rule out other causes.
such as any skin condition or
neuralgia in initial stages.