I just got home from work and took off my boots and my toe next to big toe on left foot is reddish purple with a bit of purple on the middle toe and a bit on 1/4 inch of the foot where it attaches to the 2nd digit. It is not cold or hot to the touch and I can feel my foot and each toe but the 2nd digit is swollen. Both my feet are slightly swollen but that is normal when my depo shot is wearing off and I get my next shot this Wednesday so that is normal inflammation around that time fo the month and the 3 month wear off of the shot itself. My blood pressure is normal, no pain in foot or heart palpitations or numbness and my glucose readings are normal. I am controlled type 2 diabetes since August 2010. Once a few months ago the back of my 2 middle toes on same foot were a bit pinkish purple for about a week but it didn t spread and just went away. Since home for 45 minutes, dark purple ness has went to light purple on bottom of middle toe and the foot area where toes connect and second digit is more pink now than purple and top of toe above tonail is normal colored again. Don t remember stubbing or dropping anything on it in the night, but I am a bit of a clutz. My temp is normal and other than the color on the toe, I feel great. Suggestions, anything I can do to take redness away? Thanks so much