I'm a 47-year old female, 5'6, 200 lbs (way over weight, I know!), type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, hypothyroidism, tachycardia, fibromyalgia, neuropathy, and hiatel hernia. Endoscopy and colonoscopy in 2008, normal other than hiatel hernia. Told to repeat in 10-years. As far back as I can remember, I have never had regular B/Ms. For the past month, I have been in severe pain in the URQ region. I have had x-rays, US, Hida-Scan, and CT. Dx, is constipation in right colon (area of pain). This past weekend, my dr put me on a liquid diet and typical colon cleanse for f/u x-ray. I am still having serve pain and have not had a B/M in 5 days. Dr said to take Dulcolax every other day until I have B/M every day and to take Miralax every day. F/u in 2 week, said may have to repeat colonoscopy if pain is still there. Does it sound like my doctor is doing everything necessary to determine source of pain? I am miserable! Please help!