I have pain in my right side below my lungs and waist line area 2 weeks ago I spent the night at the hospital for servere stabbing burning pain they did metion i passed kidney stons and I also have servere carpentunnnell in both wrist which was caising my neck pain so my nurologisit perscribe 3 session of eperdoral shots I had the past 3 wenesday if didi relieve my urtinating on myn self loss of bladdeer control when i snezzed cough laugh or just leeks out now is starting up again i went and saw my Dr,s P,A She ws going to refferal me to a Doctor ,Well I have I HAVE PPO INSUURACE I do not need a referal I could choose woe I lKE i would like3 the doctor to do sueryy at JOHN C. LINCLON HOSPITAL i had blood in my urine yesterday at the doctors office visit the nurse said that there is probally still pieses that need to pass ,I look like a balloon 9 months pregnant and yhis sharp stabbing ,burning very un comfrtable not even 3 viccodines