hi , i am 25 years old male , complain of pallor skin and i had ct scan abdomen and result is mild hepatomegaly , spleen normal and kidneys too , ihad epigastric pain when only press on the umbilical area to below, my hb is 15 and cbc normal , srum iron normal , t3 and t4 normal , i made hbsag and pcr for hpatitis c and all are negative , i made endoscopy and colonscopy and all are normal and aslo made echo of abdomen and it was normal , i can not understand why my skin and face trun pallor although i am occasional race? and why there is egpgastric pain when i press on my abdomen? so doctors said to me that i had nervous colon or inflammatory bowel disaease? should i had more tests? i do not really know anything although i am studying medicine in the 6th year ? there is doctor said to me that i had to make ECG for the heart?should I ? i smoke shisha one time in the day but my lung xray is normal too thanks alot