Hi there, I had an abortion on the 24th of May when i was 8 weeks along, as del as a mirena IUD put in at the same day. I felt like I was pretty recovered but the other day after eating a lot i got really bad heartburn/ stomach ache and threw up, and then I ve also been having pan on the right side of my body when i breathe especially. It feels like its in my ribs or my back or something, like i need to crack my back ors something when i breathe. Is this normal? Should i see a doctor? I called planned parenthood and they said that if I am having shortness of breath then it s something that doctors specialize in and not them and that I should just go to the emergency room. but it doesn t feel quite serious enough for the emergency room, i can breathe just not very deeply. I m a broke college student so I don t want to take a trip to the doctor unless it s absolutely necessary. What should I do? also I have only 2 dollars in my account so I can t go through with this if it costs money unfortunately!