hi, i am 23 and have a 2 and half yr old child, I am 12 weeks late for my period but still have gotton a negative on 3 home pregnancy tests. I took clomid on my last cycle and had ultrasounds to make sure it worked and i had 2 follicles sizes 23 and 19 I took the hcg ovitrelle shot to make sure the egg is released...the day i was meant to get my period i had some spotting for a few hoursthat passed completly but now i have swollen extremly sore breasts, stomach bloated,vaginal heaviness every so often, im not major nauscaus but im moody and gained weight. I know I should go take a blood test but we just moved to a different country and I havent managed to get medical insurance, should i be very worried???Is there something dangerous cos i am not suffering with any pain and i feel ok in general!, truth is I was sure im preg even husband and freind said i have look on my face like pimply but negative hpt!!!what do u think???thanks sorry for the whole long saga.