I am a 25 yr old woman & I had my last period on Mar 18th. It is now May 10th. I went to the doctor on April 4th because I was spotting & uncomfortable... I had 4 small cysts on each ovary, she said nothing to worry about. I have a hx of cysts. Then on May 1-3rd I would wipe only to have a pink/brown color on the paper. Still no period. The past week I have had an increase in pain on my left... pretty consistant! 4 days ago I went to have intercourse with my husband & everything was fine until we shifted angles. When he angled left It felt like a knife. I layed over the bed & cried it hurt so bad. I have swollen hurting breast, frequent urination, very moody & emotional, very tired, and I took 4 pregnancy tests & all negative! The pain is consistent & getting worse! When I had painful cysts before I always bled really bad! What is going on????