Hi Dr. Grief Yes, Thank you . I have a number of issues going on simultaneously that could be contributing to this odd, relatively new symptom, so probably it is nothing to worry about, but i thought i would just ask... my muscles all over my body will cramp up and get completely stuck and almost deformed looking and feeling! I cant say that there is pain but it does not feel pleasant trying to contort them back in to place. I had a surgery in 2010 that resulted in a DVT and 16 large pulmonary emboli that I know did some damage to my left leg and one toe and does cause me some pain, but that really isnt where this muscle contorting is coming from. Also, I have Lyme disease and suffer tremendously with that... but again I have been dealing with it for almost 3 years so I feel this is a possible cause, but odd that it has started this late, but understandable, as Lyme disease is a hateful PAINFUL experience and horrible with its intensity and constant new and obsolete injustices! So, possibly this weird one as well?! The last thought I have that could be causing the muscle issue, is that i am taking a medicine for my severe migraines. It does cause tingling, so could this be interfering with my muscles all over my body and neck too? I would hate to stop a medicine that has been my first help for migraines since childhood. I would appreciate any feedback or helpful suggestions! Thank you for your time! Tracie