hi, i am 50 years old male living with wife and have a son and a daughter,both are studying. for a few weeks a am feeling giddiness in my head . my work includes computer related work. i consulted a physician and he advised me x-ray of my neck. after seeing the x-ray film he advised me 6 hours use of cervical collar and neck exercises.on 18th of june, at about 11.30 in the night i felt very high heart pulpitation.i recorded my b.p.with a digital machine,it was about 160/100, pulserate 124. myhands and legs had been very cold,i felt very restless. i was taken to the local govt. hospital where they used saline and some injection. next day i consulted a physician(MD, Cardiologist). he advised me petri beta-10 in the night and after ECG diagnosed anxiety and stress. the other day ,i went to patna and consulted a DM Cardiologst.he did HOLTERMONITER TEST AND TMT and said that i have no cardiac problem and advised Rivotril 2.5, half tablet every night. i came back to my place and started doing neck exercises. on 25 june ,i took harassment due to certain marriage ceremonies and in tne night my B.P. again shoot to 177/90, pulse 115. I took one full tab. og rivotril and again went to the hospital where they gave me dexona and some emergency medicines.but on this day i was more relaxed than the previous one. last night my B.P. again shooted to 160/90, pulse rate 125. i took half tab of rivotril and one tab of petril beta . after half an hour , imy B.P. was normal i.e. 116/76, pulse 75. my question is what should be my next step of treatment and why is my B.P. going high suddenly., why my heart beat excelerates so much and if it happens in the night , what damage it can do.