After four years of unanswered symptoms (vertigo, imbalance sometimes requiring the use of a cane, hearing loss, severe migraines, memory problems, fluctuating vision) I am no closer to figuring out what is wrong with me. I have been to a neurologist for my migraines who did an MRI w/o contrast. It did not show anything so she referred me to a headache specialist at Emory University. He treeated me unsuccessfully for my migraines. Last week, I made an appt. with my eye doctor due to a veil that has been interferring with my vision. I have had three episodes of complete vision loss over the past 12 months. She observed that my optic nerve was enlarged (inflamed?). Since I had not had an MRI with contrast, she ordered one with and without. The MRI showed periventricular white matter lesions. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2006. It seems that during the past two years, my health problems have increasingly interferred with my work. I cannot get up from the floor without assistance. If I hold something in my hand, I have a hard time releasing it or someone has to take it from me. I have to massage or work with my hand to get it to open. If I sit in an indian position on the floor with my students, I have a hard time straightening my legs. Now I have yet another appt. with my neurologist. I would like your opinion because I do not want to give up my teaching job. I am currently having a very hard time remembering meetings even with a calendar, keeping up with paperwork or remembering I did it when I didn t. I am scared of losing my career if I don t get some answers soon. Thank you for your help.