Dear Tukaram.
Greetings from health care magic!!! I am Dr Thakker and shall be answering your question.
I can very well relate to your concerns of
nervousness and tremors in your hands. something they can be emberassing and incapacitatin. I will try my best to answer your question and guide you through the problem.
As you mentioned in the history that you have consumed alcohol in the past for many years. Long term alcohol consumption leads to damage to nerves. This is called is
alcoholic neuropathy. this could result in tingling , numbness in your fingers and vibration as well.
However other possible explanations for the tremor are:
1) Anxiety
2) Hyperthyroidism
Action tremor due to cerebellar disease
We need to perform some blood tests likes T3,T4,TSH,
vitamin b12 and folic acid levels. EMG -NCS nerve conduction studies, MRI Brain. we can then pinpoint the exact cause and treat the tremors. in the mean time you can try
propranolol for a few days.
I hope this helps you out. If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to write back to me.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Thakker.