Thanks for posting your query. Pain or tenderness in the epigastric area is most probably due to
gastritis, or gastro esophageal reflux. It is important to know if your pain is related to food intake. Does it com.e on immediately after food? Does food relieve the pain etc?
Other causes would be some inflammation in the lungs called
pleuritis. Here you might have breathing difficulty and the pain will increase when you take a deep breath.
If the pain is due to cardiac cause then it might get worse with exertion.
There are other causes too like
pancreatitis or an
abscess in the left lobe of the liver where the pain would be very severe.
You can try taking a bland diet for a while, less oil and less spice. Also take
Gelusil syrup 1 teaspoon three times a day. If the pain doesn't settle in a week’s time or if it increases in severity please get yourself evaluated by your doctor, who will examine you and check for other serious causes. He might do a chest x-ray, ECG, and an
ultrasound abdomen if indicated.
Hope you get well soon.