9 year old female, original concern @ 4-5 years old: Always very thirsty & Behavior = to low blood sugar, blood sugar levels continue to test perfect. Acute Pain which bounces around her body, originally started around the rib cage (both sides) and upper abdomon. ANA + (Aug 4th 2011) shogrens is high, Augest 9-12 72hr. EEG showed slowing brain waves and she was diagnosed with Complex Partials - Two Neurologist state her seizures look like complex tics. Though her seizures have displayed as absance seizures as well... seizure episodes followed by beligerance. Estrogen Level is at 24. She suffers from stomach pain and nausia, pain in mussle and joint areas, confusion, missed information, exhaustion, heat and cold intollerance, loose stool and pain with stool elimination (no blood in stool). 85% in height growth - healthy weight. Adrenal system is perfect as well, brain MRI (1.5 imaging) show no tumors in her brain - No MRI done on spine yet. External sonogram showed perfect growth size for uterine development and bone growth x-ray was perfect. Acute pain also affects her head - headache type symptoms. Oh... periodic phantom smells - visual disterbances causing things to look as if they have a green haze. Periodic night sweats which will occure in succession 2 to 3 nights in a row. Vaginal discharge noticed in her underware seems to appear when she has excessive pain issues -no menstral blood as of yet. She tired of being tired and feeling miserable and she wants to go back to school - currently hospital homebound. Seizures happen predominately in the morning and evening. Seizues have also looked as if she had mental retardation. Seizues last 3 to 20 seconds and come in clusters. She is taking Keppra 1 & 1/2 500 MG tablet in the Morning and 1 500MG tablet in the evening. No success with Ozcarbazapine. No Success with Actaminaphine for pain. Keppra seemed to make the pain go away - but it is coming back again, pain may just not have been in a flareup state.