goodmorning, my name is Justin. I am 29, in fairly good physical shape, eat plenty, drink lots of fluids but my problem is that over the last couple weeks i have had headaches that feel like pressure pushing outward from inside my head. some are worse than others but i have no sinus problems and these feel nothing like a migraine. Some are only 30 min but some last hours on end. it is not affected by light, sound, stress, whether or not i eat or anything. My bp is in good range so i just dismiss them as headaches. Then today i got home from work and went to the restroom and while i was in there i lost all vision, mobility, sound, thought, evrything. I heard myself breathing but it sounded like i was breathing into a fan or machine and like my head was being shook real fast from side to side. It lasted maybe 5 secs and i was back. now i am a bit shaky all over and my head is pounding. should i be worried???