This can be a classical xiphoid syndrome .
A nice course of
steroids ( if you do not have
diabetes and
hypertension), anti-inflammatory medicines like
Ibuprofen in proper doses , local heat fomentation,
Avoiding any movement that causes stress on this area , like getting out of the bed in straight-up position ( roll over), bending , stretching, take mild laxatives for good motion, helps a lot.
IN such patients if the above things do not help , I do take the patient on my own to the Sonologist and ask him to do USG with the highest frequency probe to see if there is a gap in the central line with protrusion of small fat lobules in linea alba. Please discuss this with your Sonologist.
I hope this will really help you a lot.
I few of my patients I do advise to remove the xiphisterum and explore the linea to see small
hernia entrapping the fat. If yes treat accordingly. This is done only if medical treatment fails.