I have been having a lot of different kinds of symptoms over the past 6-7 months that are concerning. Some symptoms include but not limited to: fatigue, pain all over, activity intolerance, shortness of breath, itching (resolved), swollen lymph nodes, and many other symptoms. I feel like I have been struggling with help from healthcare providers especially my primary care provider. I feel like she is being dismissive. Recently I had some blood work drawn CBC, CMP, and Mono Spot test. CMP and Mono Spot test negative. My CBC shows elevated WBC, HCT, and absolute Neutrophils. My HCT has been high in recent past lab draws. No I do not smoke nor have I ever and no there is no way I could be dehydrated. My RBCs and HGB is also on the higher side. Should I be concerned? Does anyone have the slightest clue as to what is going on in my body bc my PCP doesn't seem to care and dismisses everything. CBC results:
WHITE BLOOD CELL COUNT 12.1 thousand/ul 3.8-10.8 Above high normal
RED BLOOD CELL COUNT 5.00 million/ul 3.80-5.10 Normal
HEMOGLOBIN 15.2 g/dl 11.7-15.5 Normal
HEMATOCRIT 45.8 % 35.0-45.0 Above high normal
MCV 91.6 fl 80.0-100.0 Normal
MCH 30.4 pg 27.0-33.0 Normal
MCHC 33.2 g/dl 32.0-36.0 Normal
RDW 14.0 % 11.0-15.0 Normal
PLATELET COUNT 268 thousand/ul 140-400 Normal
ABSOLUTE NEUTROPHILS 9741 cells/ul 1500-7800 Above high normal
ABSOLUTE LYMPHOCYTES 1827 cells/ul 850-3900 Normal
ABSOLUTE MONOCYTES 327 cells/ul 200-950 Normal
ABSOLUTE EOSINOPHILS 145 cells/ul 15-500 Normal
ABSOLUTE BASOPHILS 61 cells/ul 0-200 Normal
NEUTROPHILS 80.5 % Normal
LYMPHOCYTES 15.1 % Normal
MONOCYTES 2.7 % Normal
EOSINOPHILS 1.2 % Normal
BASOPHILS 0.5 % Normal
PMH: IBS, HPV, Carpal Tunnel