I am a medical student year 4 in Cambodia. I have a patient.
A 67-year-old man did his blood test.
It is different for cholestérol.
Cholestérol / HDL : 5,74 / (val 0,00 -5,00)
Cholesterol total : 6,03 / (val 3,80 - 5,20) / mmo1/L
Cholesterol / HDL : 1,05 / (val 0,88-1,40) / mmo1/L
Cholestérol - LDL : 3,90 (valeur 1,80 - 4,10) / mmo1/L
Triglycerides: 2,36 (valeur 0,40 - 2,30 / mmo1/L
+ l'Hémoglobine Glyquée (what is that?) :
6,1 (valeur 4,0 - 6,0)
Please tell me your opinion about it.
He still sleeps very bad and wake up many times in the night sweating and heart beating.
Waiting for your reply as soon as possible.
All the best!
SonSun Tes,