Age: 51, female, 5'2" ht, 45 kgs. Thyroid problem since an year. Now FNAC was done. Here are the results. Does it look like cancer? Wat should be the approach? Can a general surgeon do the surgery for this?Microscopic appearance/FNAC Biopsy:SMEARS SHOW AGAINST A BACKGROUND OF SCANTY COLLOID ADD MIXED WITH BLOOD, MONOLAYER CLUSTERS OF FOLLICULAR EPITHELEAL CELLS WITH FOCI OF NUCLEAR ENLARGEMENT AND PLEOMORPHISM.Some follicular structure are also seen.A few cells resembling hurthle cells are seen.Impression:FOLLICULAR EPITHILEAL LESION,? GOITRE,? FOLLICULAR NEOPLASM.High resolution thyroid sonography:Diffuse enlargement of both lobes of the thyroid gland seen with intact capsule and no significant increase in vascularity.No evidence of any focal lesion made out.Right lobe measures 6.0 X 3.6 X 3.3 cm.Left lobe measures 5.8 X 3.1 X 2.3 cm.Isthmus is enlarged in size and normal shape and texture measures 9.9 mm in thickness.Common carotid arteries on both size are normal.Tracheal shadow is normal.