43 very white female, High TSH, High T-3, High Monocytes, past Hypothroid/ Thyroditis by Endo crin. Herniated Discs up/down and laterally, Dry discs, Both in Cevical and Lumbar. 2 Hemangiomas, Thorasic. Last Corticosteroid Spinal cord lumbar in 2009. #4. Lymph glands in neck are huge, to what I palpate. So is muscle death in legs/ chicken legs now. I stopped Thyroid meds in Jan, when I had what was apparent to be a Thyroid storm. Could not take meds, semi-coma for 3 days at home. Worse than dying. 25 pounds, vanished! Now Im feeling very ill, Lymph glands at hip, lumbar, under armpits, all bigger than almonds. Menstration is now 33+ days, I used to be 30 on the dot. No sex in 3 years, in a divorce that would make the movie 2012 look boring. Severe Seborric scalp almost 50 percent with scales, then bleeding. Walnut size fungal infection with approx 3 peas size ones, Ketocon, not working. Sed rate 4, ANA 0, or close. No other indicators. Cannot afford co-pays, even now, before divorce and homeless. HELP... : (