hello doc i am a 42 year old lady and i have been to the medical doc today because my heart is beating like 3 beat and stop then beat for about 30 times and stop and my pulse is doing the same thing. this is the result of my ecg:vent rate 88bpm, pr int 127 ms, Qrs dur 78 ms, Qt/Qtc 392/438 ms, P-R-T axes 14-48-28, Avg RR 678 ms, QTcB 476 ms, QTcF 446 ms Sinus Rhythm with occasional ventricular premature complexes RSR (QR0) in V1/V2 consistent with right ventricular conduction delay left anterior Fascicular Block [QRS axis = -45, QR in I, RS in II] Minimal ST Depression [0.025+ Mv ST Depression] Abnormal ECG. Do you think this problem can be fixed? and is it dangerous? with thanks