Migraine is a neurological disorder, which is mostly confused with headache by people who don’t have correct knowledge about it. Headache can be cured very easily by some mild dose of drug but migraine patients need special care and treatment. When a person is suffering from migraine, he is in such a condition where he can not performMigraine regular activities for a certain period. They become very much sensitive to light, sound and smell stimuli. Other common symptoms seen are nausea, vomiting and blurred vision. Migraine can last from a few hours to a week time. All the manifestations that can be observed in migraine patients are - * Sensitivity to sound, light and smell * Blurred vision * Severe headache * Diarrhea * Pain in the neck region * Abdominal pain * High temperature * Weakness of the body * Dizziness * Vomiting There are 4 phases in Migraine, generally for any kind of diseases - 1. Prodrome - Early symptom, where development of the condition is prominent. Symptoms such as headache, fever etc. are seen during this phase. 2. Aura - A kind of disturbance seen in migraine sufferers before the migraine headache. Main symptoms are seen here. 3. Pain - Headache phase where the actual migraine headache is seen. High levels of headache is prominent here. 4. Postdrome phase - The final phase of migraine headache. Migraine pain Migraine is caused by many reasons, mainly - Exposure to smoke: Smoking or exposure to cigarette smoke is one of the major causes. According to a research, more than 50% of people who gave up smoking became migraine-free. High stress: High stress periods, and then sudden rest can cause disturbances in the Central nervous system and can cause attacks of headache when resting. Too much sleep after high stress should be avoided to avoid these attacks. Hormonal fluctuations: This can also be regarded as stress, which is caused by over excitement. During excitement, high levels of adrenaline is secreted and due to t