I read carefully your query and understand your concerns.
There are many causes of weight gain some are physiological and some pathological such as endocrinological disease.
If I were your treating doctor I would first try to exclude some disease :
-One known cause of weight gain is
hypothyroidism.The diagnosis is confirmed by testing
TSH,T3,T4 level in blood.In hypothyroidism TSH is high and T3,T4 low.
Diabetes can cause weight gain.The diagnosis is confirmed by measuring blood sugar level.
One that this conditions are excluded you can be examined for other disease such as Cushing disease and in this case you should test your cortizol level in blood.
You also need to get some test done such as Lipidic profile(
total cholesterol,Tryglicerides,LDL-cholesterol,HDL-cholesterol).
I suggest to consult a physician and get this test done for further diagnosis and treatment.
Hope it helped.
Take care.