I read your problem, actually
peripheral neuropathy is a disorder that occurs when nerves malfunction because they are damaged or destroyed.
Causes of peripheral neuropathy-
Generalized diseases
nerve damage caused by diabetes is one of the most common forms of neuropathy.the risk of neuropathy increases for people who
Are over weight
have high blood pressure
are over the age of 40 have diabetes
other chronic causes are
Kidney disorder
Deficiencies of of vitamins E, B1,B6, and B12, which are essential to nerve health nad functioning.
Physical trauma is the most common cause of injury to the nerves.
Alcholhol and toxins
infections and
autoimmune disorders.
Treatment options for peripheral neuropathy are
Pain medications
Acetaminophen and non steroidal antiinflammatory drugs such s aspirin and
ibuprofen can be very helpful in controlling moderate pain.
Medical treatment-
Ergonomic casts or splints.
and you have multiple sclerosis and there is no cure for multiple sclerosis.
for the further treatment or investigation consult the orthopedician or neuro.