The possible causes of your problem are:
- In
premenstrual syndrome engorged and painful breasts, bloating sensation of the abdomen, body pain, mood swings, etc., can be seen due to reproductive hormonal imbalance. These usually subside with the onset of
- Some women may go for
premature menopause before the age of 40 years. In which these types of symptoms can be seen.
- Thyroid hormonal imbalance can lead to weight gain, body pains,
constipation, mood swings, etc.
- Serum prolactin abnormalities can lead to engorged breasts with
galactorrhea, anxiety, depression etc.
So, if the symptoms persist, better to get evaluated. The procedures that can help to find out your problem are:
- Clinical examination of breast
- Sonomammaography
- Blood investigations like complete blood picture, blood sugar levels, thyroid profile, serum prolactin levels, serum FSH levels, etc.
With this work-up the possible cause of your problem can be identified and treatment can be taken accordingly.
Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Sree Gouri S. R., OBGYN