Hi Rupinder, Welcome to HealthcareMagic Forum.
The baby is suffering from
Gastroenteritis. Get him examined by a
Pediatrician first as he will require antibiotics and Anti Pyretics if he has fever. Feed him plenty of clear liquids, including sips of water every day. Continue to breastfeed if you do, Continue to formula feed your infant, using full strength formula, once they are rehydrated. Give him ORS solution, t is important to realize that it doesn't actually make the
diarrhea go away. Instead of being a treatment for diarrhea, it is actually given so that your child doesn't become dehydrated.
And while you might give very small amounts of ORS, like a teaspoon every five minutes, when he is
vomiting, with simple diarrhea, you can usually let your child drink as much solution as he likes. So in addition to his regular feeds, you can usually give a few spoons of ORS after each large, watery stool. If your child has a lot of diarrhea or is showing any symptoms of
dehydration, then you may have to give even more of it.
I Wish him Good Health, Take Care.