Hi. What would be the most likely fractures in an MVA, of the driver, BL arms extended and locked with hands grasping st whl at 10&2 , direct straight head-on impact, high speed, no other injuries? Sx: L distal radial pain with flexion & touch, slight swelling; R distal 1/3 mod pain, swelling over radius at the site and laceration, but no actual bone noted, surrounding bruising, It has been 16 days since accident. Lac healed well, but mod swelling continues. With pain med, I can palpate area and feel what is poss a fracture with small v malformation consisted with swelling. Feels like the bone actually slides roughly back and forth. Have been wearing wrist-elbow splint which hurts when it is ON. Pain also worse at this site with flexion. FINALLY having xrays this week. If compound fx noted, what is LEAST invasive tx option, as well as others? Also, could a splint be used to so do a variation of serial casting? I have done all conservative line of treatments: ice, heat, splint, elevation, sling, anti-inflammatory, etc. Thank you so much!