Age-31.height-171 cm. Weight-85 kg. Hdl-lower.Ldl & tg-high. Bp-90/130.serum creatinine- with in range. pp & tsh -with in range. Suffer from lower back x-ray -- normal.when pain increases vission hazzy and imbalance sometimes in between.this symptom arise after takingn food at 2 pm.i take my lunch at 8 am .in betwwen i take only tea. Bowel do not pass regularly...some time hard stool and sometimes loose stool stool test result= yellow,soft,acidic, pus cell: 2-3/hpf,bacteria - found,indigested food particle found . others-nil. Wind passes through two ways.sometime suffered from bullred abdominal pain till now.i am on diet now.not on any medications.