Car accident 7 months ago, rearended while stopped, other vehicle going 60-70 mph...did not brake. c3-4 bulging c4-5 2.5mm herniation with no impingement, c5-6 bulging. Have had pain in right shoulder, scapula, chest, deltoid and numness in 3-4 finger all on the right. Shoulder impingement and scapular dyskinesia, 2 steroid in shoulder, 1 facet in right neck, 2 cervical epidurals, still have severe pain with abduction greater that 90 degrees or forward flexion, scapula is a constant pain, problems with dizziness and balance off, causing falls and broke left foot last week falling off the deck. had cervical ct myelogram today, no results yet. 2 neurosurgeons said no surgery is needed, do not want to take any meds, but tried anti inflammatory and take norco and flexeril with little relief. On long term disability....I just want to feel better, tired of hurting and no one knows what to do