Hello and welcome to Healthcare magic .
Since your
MRI scan has ruled out any gross CNS pathology , I am of the opinion that you might be suffering from Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo(BPPV ).
Let me explain what that would mean ,
The hallmark of BPPV is vertigo, i.e. an abnormal sensation of motion (usually spinning), that lasts for a few seconds or up to a minute.
The symptoms are brought on by typical head movements, usually neck extension - such as with looking up at a high shelf or at the sky - or rotation to one side. The vertigo will commonly be felt when going to lie down in bed, or when rolling over to one side while in bed, and for this reason it is frequently first noticed at night or upon awakening.
It spontaneously abates if the provocative position is maintained statically for a period of time (usually 30-60 seconds). For this reason, it should more accurately be called “positioning” vertigo, not “positional” vertigo, since it is movement into the position, not maintenance of the position, that provokes the symptoms.
BPPV is thought to be caused by displacement of otoliths (mineral crystals) from the vestibule of the
inner ear into the semicircular canals.
You should see an
ENT specialist who would perform simple clinical tests and manoeuvres to treat your condition .
Cervical spondylosis can cause general
dizziness rather than the 'spinning ' of vertigo .
The allergies that you described do not have a direct link with your vertigo .
I hope that was helpful .
Thanks .