I am a 52 year old female. I have GERD and that throws off every Doctor I have been too.... I have severe pain in my neck below the adams apple in the front of the neck, and my teeth hurt very bad. first the neck starts hurting and then the sharp pain starts in my teeth. I have dealt with the neck pain for about a couple of years, but here recently the teeth pain has joined....If I stack up my pillows (3 of them) and lay on my left side the pain will ease up and go away...I dread going to bed because that is when it starts. it has hurt a few times while sitting, but always happens when I lay down. My neck feels like it is being squeezed....Not a pain like a disc problem, I do not have a goiter...I have Hashimotos Thyroiditis , and I take a blood pressure pill for mitrael valve prolapse... so my heart skips beats pretty often.... Please find something that will help me