Age: 43 Female Heart murmur (innocent). One kidney (donor - 11 years ago). I often have back pain (lower) from lifting special needs son. In the last few months I ve had pain between the shoulder blades. One morning, very early (maybe 3 am), it felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest with very strong flutter. Later that morning I had a squeezing sensation around my ribs that happened over about 30 seconds and lasted an hour before it slowly went away. Remained a bit sore for a couple of days. I wasn t doing anything other than standing at the time. Another time, I was washing my hair in the sink when it felt like I pulled a muscle between my shoulder blades. Slow, gradual pain - lasted for days and it was uncomfortable to take even a slightly deep breath. I have had on and off discomfort between my shoulder blades since. I do have a high stress life with a chronically ill son, and I have trouble sleeping more than 5 hours at night due to back pain and general anxiety. My worry is the pain between my shoulder blades. Is it common to pull muscles there? I hear so much about different symptoms of a heart attack for women. I do get extremely tired by mid day, could doze off just sitting on the couch (I have, actually). But I contribute this to lack of sleep. I ve had my blood pressure checked more than once over the past year. First time it was borderline hypertension, the second time it was something like 110/72. This has been the pattern for me. Higher blood pressure one day, far better a few months later. No obvious reason why.