My husband and I rescued an elderly gentleman from a homeless situation this past fall. We set him up in an apartment we own and have been trying to support him with activities of daily living, clothing, laundry and transportation to connect with new local resources. The more I interact with him, the more I see abnormal signs of delusions of grandeur....he is God s gift to the world, he is being persecuted by his six children, he will become the world s next greatest (and wealthiest) professional golfers. He has a serious drinking problem, in addition. I don t believe he s on anti-psychotic medications currently. Family has disconnected with him, physically, but he does contact them by phone intermittently. Should I do anything? He appears to be tearing our apartment to pieces getting it ready to run his gold teaching school out of the efficiency apartment. Quite concerned, needless to say. Jerry is 78 years of age.