Hi there i have some discomfort above the groin, sometimes in the testicles, some weird dull aching pain in my thighs. I burn during urination, sometimes after i urinate a little comes out. Ive had back pain for years, on and off but its getting worse, i have a stiff back some mornings now. I feel some pain in legs and arm sometimes. A lot of cracking noises in joints too. I did have bad posture a lot and im continuing to get better with that. I can still stretch out in the morning. I went to the doctor a couple years ago when i was starting to get some of these symptoms like weak stream, incontinence. My prostate was fine and no STD's. I was worried with cancer. He gave me some antibiotics and the symptoms did get a lot better. Had no problems for a while but i'm feeling some of those again. I was going to do a urine test but my car broke down and i couldnt get back to him. I was thinking about going to go get an MRI to see if i have a hernia or pinched nerve or something. Do you think i could have an underlying condition?