hello, I have been addicted to heroin for sometime now and yesterday I shot up and everything was normal. I cleaned the needle very well as I always do. A few hours later I when to do it again, I hit the vein and pull back to make sure blood was in the needle and there was. So I went to inject and about half way threw it didnt want to go any further. I pushed it a little hard and got all of the heroin in. But with in seconds I had a hard lump in my arm a half inch or less above where I shoot up. NOT a skin pop, it seems like it is in the vein or right next to it. It hurt and it still does at times. I have pins and needles that come and go. Bruising and swelling . I also sever from panic attacks so sometimes it hard to tell whats really going on and whats cause by the panic attacks. Heart populations, stiffness in my left leg and arms etc. I went to the hospital last night only to chicken out in the waiting room. I have been doing this for awhile and I have never had this problem. I do not know what to do. 48 hours later it is still here. I have not slept in days b4 this happen and haven t sleep since, I was having a really hard time gathering my thoughts and speaking but I attribute that to lack of sleep.