Thank you for your query on HCM and i appreciate your concern.
Acne, as you must be aware, is pretty common condition caused chiefly due to hormonal influence and clogging of pores and followed by infection and inflammation.
Treatment usually depends on severity and grade of acne. The treatment you are currently taking is pretty exhaustive .
Firstly, make sure you are applying all the medications regularly and exactly as advised.
Little variations like updosing of
isotretinoin or change of better antibiotic like
linezolid can be tried.
Also, 3 sittings of chemical peelings may not be enough and variation in use of chemical peel like use of higher concentration of salicyclic acid (30%) or Jessner peel can be tried.
Blackheads can be manually removed with a simple procedure called comedone extraction.
Also enquire about other office-based procedures like
Laser therapy and Blue/red
light therapy from your
Use good quality face wash like Fash foaming facewash and a moisturizer like Cetaphil DAM on regular basis.
Avoid junk food as far as possible and include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
Hope this will take care of your condition.
Thank you
Dr Hardik Pitroda