Thanks for writing to us with your health concern.
The problem in most pregnancies is when the mother is
Rh negative.
When the father is Rh positive, then the baby is likely to be Rh positive.
In this case, during
pregnancy, small amount of blood from the positive baby goes to the mother's circulation.
The mother develops
antibodies against this, and then the antibodies get passed to the baby, leading to the destruction of the red blood cells of the baby.
This puts the baby at risk of
fetal anemia, swelling, even death.
However, if the mother is B positive, and the father is O negative, there is no issue whatsoever.
Even if the baby is Negative, then it will be safe, and mother will not produce any antibodies to this negative
blood group.
In case the baby is positive, then the mother is positive, so again no issue.
So dont worry.
You can go ahead with the marriage proposal with any girl, even if she is negative or positive.
You will not have any kind of problems with girls of any blood group.
So stop worrying.
Please feel free to discuss any issues with me anytime by writing in at -
Take care.