I was prescribed cerazette in 2008 after having an abortion and for two years it has been the best pill ive ever been on, no mood swings, weight gain or periods! However I have been living in Australia for the past year and ran out of pills in April, they dont have cerazette over here so the local doctor put me on micrognan, So I was taking that for 4 months untill my partner and I went back to the UK in august for a months holiday, where I resumed my prescription of cerazette. Since changing back I have had and It is effecting my moods and descion making and was almost responsible for my relationship break up, I have recently realised that this is the reason and now not sure weather to keep taking it or stop. Its been 3 months since I changed back to cerazette and now im not sure what to do.. Please help?... And ignore the spelling.. Laura