Hello! Noxitropin PM is a combination of natural components, aminoacids and vitamins. The product is manufactured by a company that produces supplements for athletes and bodybuilders, because it supports muscle recovery. It helps in weght loss (because of L-
Tyrosine) and building a leaner and harder physique. In its compound, L-
Arginine is found which synthesize proteins and increase body mass, by decreasing fat. I think that's why you found that it is used more amongst men, but it is not dedicated to them. You can use it safely regarding this concern.
It improves sleep by regulating the REM sleep, because it contains
phenibut which is a derivative of the inhibitory
neurotransmitter known as GABA.This neurotransmitter induces relaxation and reduces anxiety. Even L-Arginine is found to enhance sleep.
The drug shouldn't be used more than 12weeks, and the major adverse effects are the
withdrawal symptoms that are mostly due to phenibut discontinuation. These symptoms may be agitation, anxiety and sleep disturbance.
I hope i have been of help.