I am 19 years old, female and a patient of diabetes from the past 12 years. I take four dosages of insulin daily. Morning, Noon and Evening I take "R i.e. Regular" almost 14 units at each time and for the night i take "N i.e. Normal" mostly 4 units. My blood sugar level remains under control throughout the day and before i go to sleep my blood sugar level is always between 100-180, in very rare times it crosses this limit. I take a 2 unit dose of my N insulin before going to sleep, normally when my sugar level is 150. But when after 2,3 hours the insulin starts its process my sugar level gets down. I have to wake up eat something and take it back to normal. But then when i wake up at about 9 am in the morning, my sugar level is extremely high, almost 250+ daily. I have tried avoiding my N insulin dose at night, i.e. i take no insulin dose at night at all. My sugar level remains ok till 4 am but after 5 am it starts getting high again. And if i increase the dose of N insulin, my blood sugar level gets low at about 2 am again. I have not found any doctor yet who is able to solve this confusion of mine. As i need an insulin which will start processing after 4 am or so. I guess i am suffering from the dawn phenomena.. :/ Kindly help me out. Thanks in advance.