I am 37 years, no child, 4 months ago I had dysfunctional bleeding after ultrasound I found out that there is a 1 cm simple cyst in my left ovary and a 6.2 cm complex cyst which my GYN found out it was a hemorrhagic ( filled with blood) type cyst. I started birth control for 4 months now. recently I had another US, the result is as below:
Right ovary 7.7*4.9*5.8 cm. A complex solid lesion is present in the right adnexa and this measure app. 5 cm. There is both cystic and solid component and this is variable echogenicity. No definite clacification are seen and no fat within the lesion is seen. The mass is associated with a prominent sized ovary. Left ovary is normal. 4 months ago I had CA125 and Tumor check and the result was normal. Please let me have your opinion about the recent results.
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