I understand your concern.
General weakness, lac of resistance & probably
uncontrolled diabetes is basic cause of getting repeated infections through out body . You need to get your mother investigated to find basic status of her health.
Get her through physical examination done by a physician to find probable diagnosis & get it investigated along with-
Complete blood count, Mx. test,
- Urine -microscopic & routine ,
_ fasting & post meal blood sugar test/
glucose tolerance test,
- culture & sensitivity teat ( from the exudate/ tissue currently infected) to find the bacteria & the effective drug,
Consult an expert physician who will advise her specific treatment according to the reports. These need to be accompanied by general majors like
- good hygiene/ cleanliness
- light nourishing diet with high
proteins, vityamins, minerals, iron- as per doctor's advise.
- Rest, mild exercises once she is settled,
- POsitive thinking of the patient induced by love, assurance, nursing .
I am sure you mother will recover with methodical management as described above.