Hi, I ve had braces for about a year and a half now. I previously had a gap between my two front teeth. During my last appointment, they tightened the chain because it was my second to last appointment before getting the braces off. Less than a week after my appointment, my gums in front of and behind my two front teeth (upper) became extremely swollen. I returned to the orthodontist and they told me to just rinse it with salt water 3 times a day. I did that for a week and it seemed to just get worse. Now, about two weeks after, the swelling in the front is gone, but the gum between my two front teeth got pushed to the back and has detached itself. It s just hanging from the roof of my mouth. It s making it hard to talk and since it s around the holidays, I can t see a dentist or orthodontist for another two weeks. Is this normal and what should I do?