Hi....dear Shaghayegh..,
Thanks for choosing HCM.,
Falling of Hair in Eye lashes..called ...MADAROSIS....
It is the general medical term for the loss of eyelashes, also known as ciliary madarosis..,
There could be a number of reasons for this, such as inflammation,
autoimmune disorders or psychiatric causes....,
1) BLEPHERITIS..... is the inflammation of the eyelids and can be caused by an infection or allergy.
ALOPECIA AREATA.... is an autoimmune disorder where the body attacks its own hair follicles and suppresses hair growth.
TRICHOTILLOMANIA... is a psychiatric condition caused by people pulling out their own lashes. This is often caused by stress or tension..,
So first evaluate the cause....
a) Treat the cause..,
b) Good nutrition and baance diet..,and fresh fruits..,
c) Treat the infection........Topical apply Neosporin H and
Bacitracin opthalmic cream..,
Oxytetracycline (Hostacycline)..,
500 mg 2 times daily for 15 days..,
d) Intralesional
Triamcinolone on affected area gives very good result..,
ok....good luck.,