Thank You for contacting HCM.
I read your query carefully.
The best time for the tests are atleast 1 week after the over due of your periods.
And according to details your periods are yet to come.
I would advise yo to wait.
Once they are over due you can take your urine
pregnancy test.And more specifically if u want to know earlier then on the due date or 1 or 2 days after go for
Blood tests are more sensitive than urine tests.
However you will not be offered a blood test for pregnancy until after your period is due, and even then only if there is a medical need.
If you think you are pregnant then check for following symptoms;
1)going off some food. (like your morning coffee or your meals).certain smells will make you feel sick.
2)mood swings.
3)feeling bloated
4)frequent urination(if you need to go more than usual.)
Tiredness .(need of more sleep)
6)Tender swollen breasts.
Nausea + morning sickness
8)Missed period
basal body temperature.
Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow
up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us.
Wishing you good health.