Hallow Dear,
Usually by 6 weeks or so the foetal pole and foetal cardiac activity is detectable by
ultrasound. If by 7 weeks, it is undetectable, there are following possibilities:
1. The ovulation and conception might have occurred late in the menstrual cycle, which otherwise happens 14 days before the next menstrual period.
2. There could be mistake in calculating the duration of
3. The pregnancy could be without embryo (baby). This is known as
blighted ovum. In such case, the
ultrasonography image shows corrugated margins of the sac.
If the margins of the sac are well rounded, in order to exclude the first two causes, it is a good option to repeat the scan after a week to 10 days. If still the sac is empty, then the diagnosis of blighted ovum is confirmed.
However, if the edges are corrugated, it is blighted ovum. Pregnancies with blighted ovum do not grow. If such pregnancy does not abort spontaneously, termination is the requirement.
I hope this helps you.
Dr. Nishikant Shrotri