Dentist notice two (2 mm) white lumps on my gums, next to each other. She wants me to watch it. They are located where I had my wisdom teeth removed over 20 years ago. She thinks it is just scar tissue, since no pain is associated with them or the tooth around them, and nothing is showing up on the x-ray, the bumps did not even show up on the gum line on the x-ray, and I don't smoke now, or drink and their is no family history of oral cancer (even though Throat, stomach and breast cancer does) (She did not believe me that I have a high pain tolerance, both kids I did not feel contractions until it was time to push, had a gallbladder, surgeon asked me how I was walking around and saying I was not in pain during our visit, and that I only had that pain once, it was the worst gallbladder she had ever seen, they had to cut me open more to just get it out and took a photo of it because it was so bad ). I am concerned it might be an abscess. I do have a filling in the last molar next to it. I have called the dentist back over 24 hours ago, because I dont want to wait, with no answer at this time, except to wait and call if their is any changes.