My 7 year old daughter has been a bit sickly for about a year. She had a virus last March (2013) that went through all kinds of symptoms (headache, fever, congestion, sore throat, etc.) and ended with post viral arthritis. She has since had low grade fevers often and has had lots of tests and bloodwork that all have normal results. We live in Atlanta, Ga and are currently dealing with allergies and pollen. I do not run to the doctor every time now when she does not feel well. She has had sore throat and ears hurting with a cough. I have been giving her Ibuprofen and Benedryl. Now she is itchy (legs and side of torso), has a barely visible rash (she says a rash - maybe a mild one) but now has blood in her stool. I am thinking just quit giving Ibuprofen and that may make it go away? Thoughts?